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Discover which are the best Public Competitions for 2024. Get ready, register and change your life. This is your chance.

The public tender is the best way to achieve the stability you dream of. Therefore, many people end up focusing on studying to join a public service.

We have competitions for the Federal Police, as well as for other state agencies. Discover the competitions with calls open or planned for 2024.

After all, passing a public exam changes your life. Find out everything now, without further ado, let's get to the point. See some public tenders from 2024.

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Military Police of the State of São Paulo

First of all, the examining board is the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the level of education is secondary.

The hiring forecast is 2,700 people, while the salary is R$ 4,852.21. If you are interested, pay attention to the registration date, go from 04/01 to 05/24/08.

The exam date is 16/06/24. Obviously we are talking about the objective test, since those approved will go through other phases. Check here the announcement competition.


The Sergeant-at-Arms School has an open public competition, however, you must pay attention.

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Registration is now open and will last until May 4, so hurry up and register. There are 1100 places open, so you should prepare yourself, as this competition is usually very competitive.

Salaries range between R$ 1,150.00 (students) and R$ 3,895.00, the registration fee is R$ 95.00. The scheduled test date is 24/08/10, so you have a few months to prepare. Consult the bases and find out everything about this competition.

Cadet Preparatory School

First of all, it is a public competition for anyone who wants to be a cadet in the Brazilian Army. The required level of education is secondary education, there are 440 vacancies available and it must receive candidates from all over Brazil.

The starting salary is R$ 1,044.00 during the course period. After completing the training period, the salary becomes R$ 6,993.00, a great fit. The objective test is scheduled for September 21 and 22.

Therefore, it is a very competitive public tender that requires adequate preparation for its approval. Check the contest rules here.

Ministry of Health

Finally, the Ministry of Health opened 300 vacancies, registrations opened on April 10. It will extend until April 29, however, it is important to remember that it only lasts until 2 p.m.

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After this time, candidates will not be able to register. The cost of taking the exam is R$ 36.00. The salary ranges between R$ 3,800.00 and R$ 8,300.00, This is another opportunity for those who want to change their lives.

Take your test, achieve the stability of your dreams, don't miss this opportunity. Check the notice and get organized, this is your opportunity.


Don't waste time, register, start studying, check the notices.