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How to know if I'm pregnant with the cell phone through the pregnancy test app. 

The online pregnancy test is a tool practical and simple that allows to evaluate if the woman is pregnant or not. 

From this evaluation through some signs, symptoms and compartments. 

There is a great possibility of a woman being pregnant after unprotected intercourse. 

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Mainly, if this woman is on her period fertile, that is why it greatly increases the possibility of the sperm reaching fertilization. 

Moreover, to know what the chances are of being pregnant, answer the test questions: 

How to know if I'm pregnant with the cell phone in the first week? 

The possibility of this pregnancy increases when the woman has intercourse while she is on her period. fertile

Mainly, do not use contraceptive methods, such as condoms, contraceptives or IUDs, for example. 

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The fertile period is the main factor for the pregnancy occurs, which can last 6 days and between 10 and 14 days after the menstrual period. 

To confirm the pregnancy, the woman You must be attentive to the symptoms and performing the test is essential. 

Furthermore, after doing the test online, if doubts persist, according to the result you can also do a pharmacy test. 

If symptoms persist after test negative or positive it is very important that you seek a specialist to treat the reasons for the symptoms. 

 Or first signs of pregnancy It is the delay in the menstrual cycle, which is normally perceived by women who are regular in menstruation. 

Other symptoms: 

Pink vaginal discharge; 

Cramping/upper abdominal; 

Urination of frequent urination; 


Frequent tiredness; 

Sensitive/painful breasts 

Beyond this, other symptom It can be, back pain, thicker bleeding, headache, frequent sleep and desire to eat more than usual. 

To help you and clear up your doubts, get to know some applications to help you with How to know if I'm pregnant with the cell phone. 

Gravidity Test – Symptoms 

This test can be used at any time, you must complete a report with several questions based on the symptoms. 

Mainly, if it is first time you go through this situation and don't know how to solve. 

Moreover, if you are in doubt about whether or not you are pregnant, this app can be of great help. 

Available in iOS  

Online pregnancy test 

The pregnancy test app on-line It is super complete and can help you quickly. 

Continue with the same system of questions regarding pregnancy symptoms. 

Moreover, this app has tips for pregnant and first days of pregnancy, helps you learn about other home tests. 

Also available in iOS 

How do I know if I'm pregnant 

It is a fantastic app with tips and ideas to help you in the first weeks. 

Mainly if you are with Lots of doubts and there is no way to buy the pregnancy test at the pharmacy. 

You can use this app to get out of despair and know what the chances are of being pregnant or not. 

Available in Android  

Know if you are pregnant 

This app can solve your doubts, with the same format, you can complete the list of questions with the symptoms and know what is the probability of being pregnant or not. 

Moreover, you can count on many useful information to recognize the main symptoms. 

Available for Android  

We hope that our application tips have been helpful, if you want to know more informations We have various useful content for you on our page. 

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